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- NFH #19 - The Awakened Man, Tony Robbins Stanford Clinical Trial, Self Sabotage
NFH #19 - The Awakened Man, Tony Robbins Stanford Clinical Trial, Self Sabotage
The 5-minute mental health newsletter.
The 5-minute mental health newsletter.
Never Fully Heard is a space for men to listen to and engage in open, vulnerable & uncomfortable conversations to help improve their mental health being.
In today's edition:
Self-reflection question of the week: Reflect on your moments of self-sabotage. Are there any patterns of thought or behaviour that run across them?
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It's Sunday, let's go!
Before reading I want you to do four box breaths.
Exhale to a count of four, holding your lungs empty for a four-count, inhaling at the same pace, and holding air in your lungs for a count of four before exhaling.
Repeat 4 times.
Link to podcast here
Benjamin & Pete started The Awakened Man Project to help men get out their own way; to be a hero to their kids, an inspiration to their partner and make one hell of a profit in business.
- Why did you start The Awakened Man Project
- Why are men crying out for more of these conversations
- Why are safe spaces important for levelling up your growth
- How to be more effective in life
- Male role models
- Why men need impossible goals
- The dark side and your shadow
Their website:
❓Self-reflection question ❓
Reflect on your moments of self-sabotage.
Are there any patterns of thought or behaviour that run across them?
This is a really interesting question to reflect on.
Those moments where you let yourself down, think back to the behaviours and thoughts that led up to those situations.
Can you recognise any patterns?
📝Article of the week
Genetics Lab study on Tony Robbins event
Link to study
"A Stanford clinical research study of Robbins’ “Date With Destiny” program found 100% of participants with clinical depression were symptom-free 30 days after completion of the five-and-a-half-day course"
Tony Robbins – The world's top life and business strategist.
During his career, Robbins has coached more than 10 million people through group events, and more than 100 million digitally. Pre-COVID, he would visit, on average, 125 cities in more than a dozen countries each year.
Robins before going online..." would normally go see a quarter of a million people over most years, some years a million people, but now, we had one the other day for six days; 800,000 people signed up, and then there are people joining them because it's in their home.
Link to study
Drug Therpay
According to metastudies (studies that combine and analyze all discoverable results), only about 40% of people respond to treatments for anxiety and depression, and of those that do, they only show an average of 50% improvement in their symptoms. Some studies have even shown response rate to be as little as 33%.*
*Rush AJ, Warden D, Wisniewski SR, et al. STAR*D: revising conventional wisdom. CNS Drugs. 2009.
*Kudlow PA, McIntyre RS, Lam RW. Early switching strategies in antidepressant non-responders: current evidence and future research directions. CNS Drugs. 2014.
Date With Destiny
Mirroring the structure of the study done with psilocybin, but without drugs, Stanford Genetics Lab conducted a controlled study at a Tony Robbins Date with Destiny event. Of the participants that were clinically depressed before the seminar, 30 days after the event, 100% of study participants who were depressed were in remission, and their average improvement was 87.2%. No drugs, and only 6 days of time. Additionally, at the beginning of the study, 17% of participants experienced suicidal thoughts. One month after Date with Destiny, none of the participants reported suicidal thoughts!
“I’ve been doing research for almost 20 years and have published almost 300 papers. I’ve never seen anything like this. The results are absolutely incredible.”
Dr. Jacob Wilson Ph.D, co-author of breakthrough study on Unleash the Power Within
Link to study
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If you know someone who would enjoy being a part of this community please forward them this email or send them this link below.