Never Fully Heard #2

Fear setting, deathbed regrets & therapy

The 5-minute mental health newsletter.

Never Fully Heard is a safe space for men to listen to and engage in open, vulnerable & uncomfortable conversations to help improve their mental health being.

In today's edition

  • Meme of the week

  • Self reflection question of the week

  • Fear setting with Tim Ferris

  • A twitter thread packed with what people have learnt from having therapy

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!

The first episode of the podcast will be released on the 2nd of October.

I've already got ~8 guests lined up and I can't wait to see how these first conversations go.

If you know anyone who you think would be a great guest on the podcast or could help out in any way please do reply to this email and let me know!

Before reading I want you to do four box breaths.

Exhale to a count of four, holding your lungs empty for a four-count, inhaling at the same pace, and holding air in your lungs for a count of four before exhaling.

Repeat 4 times.

🖼 Meme of the week:

❓Self-reflection question

?What feelings do I struggle to express ?

This is really important.

One of my favourite books of all time is Bronnie Ware: The Top Five Regrets Of The Dying

It's an amazing book about a palliative care nurse who has her life & perspective transformed by tending to the needs of those who were dying.

One of the five regrets ⬇️"I wish I had the courage to express my feelings"

This could take many forms:

  • I wish I had the courage to tell my partner I love them

  • I wish I could tell my best friend how much they mean to me

  • I wish I could tell my friends how anxious and scared I am sometimes

  • I wish I could tell my friends that I'm struggling mentally

  • I wish I could express how proud of this person I am

Now you know that a common regret on people's deathbeds is that they wished they had the courage to express their feelings. It is time to take action."A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - Dao De Jing

All big changes start with the smallest steps.

This week challenge yourself to express your feelings in a way you wouldn't normally.

  • Pick up the phone and tell your parent/sibling/friend you love them

  • Send an old colleague a thank you note telling them how much their mentorship and support helped you

  • If you're having a bad day, let someone know how you're really feeling and not just saying "I'm good thanks" or "Fine"

  • Have the vulnerable conversation with your partner that you've been putting off for months

📝 Learning of the week

By Tim Ferris

"Tim Ferriss has been listed as one of Fast Company's “Most Innovative Business People” and one of Fortune's “40 under 40.” He is an early-stage technology investor/advisor (Uber, Facebook, Shopify, Duolingo, Alibaba, and 50+ others) and the author of five #1 New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers"

Snippet from the blog & TED talk ⬇️

"The Power of Pessimism: Defining the Nightmare

 “Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.”— Benjamin Disraeli, former British Prime Minister

To do or not to do? To try or not to try? Most people will vote no, whether they consider themselves brave or not. Uncertainty and the prospect of failure can be very scary noises in the shadows. Most people will choose unhappiness over uncertainty.

For years, I set goals, made resolutions to change direction, and nothing came of either. I was just as insecure and scared as the rest of the world.

The simple solution came to me accidentally four years ago.

At that time..."

🐦 Twitter thread of the week

This is a great thread full of little nuggets people have picked up from going to therapy over the years. One set of tweets that stood out I've shown below:

🚀 Share Never Fully Heard

If you know someone who wants to look after their mental health, someone who might be struggling right now and you think they'd enjoy being a part of this community please forward them this email or send them this link below

If you know someone who wants to look after their mental health, someone who might be struggling right now and you think they'd enjoy being a part of this community please forward them this email or send them this link below