Never Fully Heard #15 Neuroscientist Breaks Down Dopamine

The 5 minute mental health newsletter

The 5-minute mental health newsletter.

Never Fully Heard is a space for men to listen to and engage in open, vulnerable & uncomfortable conversations to help improve their mental health being.

In today's edition:

  • Episode 7: Neuroscientist Breaks Down Dopamine | Tj Power | Co-Founder Neurify

  • Self-reflection question of the week: Am I spending too much time on my phone?

  • Tip of the week: 5 tips for phone addicts

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It's Sunday, let's go!

Before reading I want you to do four box breaths.

Exhale to a count of four, holding your lungs empty for a four-count, inhaling at the same pace, and holding air in your lungs for a count of four before exhaling.

Repeat 4 times.

Link to podcast here

OCD-Porn & phone addiction

21 hour screen time

The impact of social media

Dopamine & the DOSE framework


Founding a company

❓Self-reflection question ❓

Am I spending too much time on my phone?

If you spend 3 hours a day on your phone

That works out to 45 days or over 6 weeks a year...

As you can see from the screenshot below this is something I'm really struggling with at the moment.

Not only does scrolling endlessly on social media crash your dopamine levels it can lead to unnecessary comparisons, and overstimulation from seeing so many attractive people potentially leading to increased porn use and a progressive narrowing of the things that bring you pleasure if you let a phone addiction take hold.

For this week's journal I want you to really think about how much time a year you are spending on your phone and what you could be doing instead for example exercising, spending time with loved ones and being present in the moment.

πŸ“Tip of the week

  1. Don't immediately check your phone when you wake up

  2. Don't scroll on videos for longer than 15 minutes

  3. Put your phone on airplane mode when working

  4. Put your phone in another room when watching TV

  5. Don't charge your phone by your bed

Link to Tj's Instagram for more content like this:

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