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  • Never Fully Heard #08 - You Tube channel, suicide & toxic masculinity

Never Fully Heard #08 - You Tube channel, suicide & toxic masculinity

The 5 minute mental health newsletter

The 5-minute mental health newsletter.

Never Fully Heard is a space for men to listen to and engage in open, vulnerable & uncomfortable conversations to help improve their mental health being.

In today's edition ⬇️

  • You Tube channel day 0

  • Self-reflection question of the week: What stories are you acting out?

  • Article of the week: New research in suicide prevention

  • Twitter Thread of the week: How to become mentally tough but not toxic

  • Meme of the week: Spongebob

1 week to go... No subscribers. The journey begins.

The mission of Never Fully Heard is to create spaces for men to listen to and engage in open, vulnerable & uncomfortable conversations to help improve their mental health being.

If you want to be one of my first subscribers for the 2nd October launch, subscribe to my channel here

Ali Abdaal one of the UK's most popular You Tubers runs an academy teaching part time You Tubers how to grow their channels and this is the advice.

The only rules that I will follow are:

  • I can't stop for at least 2 years

  • I post at least one podcast a week

  • I try to have on guests who will genuinely help the listeners & add value to their life

My 2 year goal?

1,000 true fans.

  • Fans who the podcast has genuinely positively impacted their life

  • Fans who listen to most or nearly every episode

  • Fans who would pay ~£100 a year to listen, buy merch or be a part of the community

What I would love is to help men look after their mental health better, to be able to hold the space for friends & family in tough situations who want to speak about their mental health and to gift their loved ones better relationships with them due to being able to be more vulnerable, open and honest with their emotions.

I hope to achieve this by bringing on experts & people who have a story to tell.

Game on.

🚀 Share Never Fully Heard 🚀

If you know someone who would enjoy being a part of this community please forward them this email or send them this link below.

It's Sunday, let's go!

Before reading I want you to do four box breaths.

Exhale to a count of four, holding your lungs empty for a four-count, inhaling at the same pace, and holding air in your lungs for a count of four before exhaling.

Repeat 4 times.

❓Self-reflection question

"We're all actors, unconsciously acting out the stories we told ourselves about ourselves, long ago." - Steven Bartlett

What are the stories you are currently acting out?

This one may feel a bit weird at first but take some time today to ask yourself the following questions...

What are the stories I tell myself about myself?

When did I start telling them?

What was going on in my life when that particular storyline started?

Do I actually have any evidence for this story being true?

Is this story serving me? Is it making me happy & pushing me towards my goals?

Sometimes life can get so busy that we don't take time to really interrogate the internal monologue we have running.

Imagine you had to pay £100,000 every time you believed & acted on a thought or story you told yourself that was a lie.

I bet you'd take more time & care to make sure that the script you're acting out was based on the truth and evidence right?

With suicide rates stubbornly high, researchers are digging into the details of who is most at risk—and when

Snippet from the article:

"The suicide rate in America remains stubbornly high. Approximately 44,800 Americans died by suicide in 2020, and if previous research holds true, most of them never saw a mental health professional leading up to their deaths.

To turn the tide, researchers are increasingly looking for more nuanced ways to understand suicide. Emerging research drills into the details around who is at risk, the different pathways suicidal ideation can take, and the common features of treatments that seem to work. Recognizing that suicidal behavior ebbs and flows, this approach aims to meet people at the period of highest risk.

“We’ve systematically been manipulating and tweaking the interventions to try to hone those really important crucial elements,” said Craig Bryan, PsyD, ABPP, a clinical psychologist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center who studies suicide, “and I think we’re actually getting there.” "

Link to article here

Link to the thread here


  1. Clarify your purpose

  2. Focus on your teammates

  3. Invite adversity into your life

  4. Get physically strong to become mentally tough

  5. Shatter your limits

🖼 Meme of the week:

🚀 Share Never Fully Heard 🚀

If you know someone who would enjoy being a part of this community please forward them this email or send them this link below.